Back pain is a common complaint. Four out of five people in the India will experience lower back pain. People loose work, become less productive and also have many social and psychological problems due to chronic back pain. The good news is that, most back pain is preventable and treatable. Simple home treatment and proper body mechanics will often cure your back within a few weeks without any recurrence. Surgery is rarely needed in back pain treatment. When back pain does not subside within 3 months, it becomes chronic back pain. It may be mild nagging pain or severe pain. Most common causes for your back pain may be facet joint pain or herniated intervertebral disc (slipped disc).
Contact your Doctor immediately when you have constant unrelieved pain, pain going in legs especially below knee, causing weakness & numbness, or loss of bowel / bladder control, follows fall or trauma, associated with abdominal pain or fever or associated with unexpected weight loss..